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Very little is known about this small mysterious country in Asia bordered by China, Himalayas, and India. It is also very close and just North of Bangladesh. I lived there when I was young in the late eighties, but I still remember the distinct distinct features of the country quite clearly.

The country is not poor, but technologically behind. The main motorway in the city is like our narrow one-way streets, with hardly any traffic. A country, you can say, much back in the past compared to our current times. But that doesn't make it dull.

The best thing I liked about Bhutan is the mountainous land and air of mystery which seemed to lie around in those mountains. We owned a large house with a pool in the capital city, Thimpu. The people speak Bhutanese which is like Chinese, and I learned it a bit at school although never passed the exam. Bhutanese are strict on their customs, a bit like those Budhists monks or those martial arts heroes!

The funny part is this: there were no TV channels when I live there, and I heard that recently there is a broadcast of a new terrestial channels. People always watched videos if they wathced TV at all, and TV without the video meant nothing to the people.

The weather is very cold in Bhutan because of the hills and high altitude. Winter periods although very cold, was very fun to spend with the family around the old traditional fireplace.

Bhutan is a strange land, and a great place to go if you really do like something very different, and if you like mountain hiking and winter sports (although Bhutanese are bad at sports).

Find out more online about Bhutan by clicking here.